A workshop on the theme of Stress Management was conducted in the month of April. The main objective of the workshop was to enable teachers to make children identify common stressors and ways to deal with them for an improved mental health. 

The main focus of the session was on bridging the communication gap between students and teachers. The need was to provide the students a safe and conducive environment where they can share their feelings and fears without any inhibitions.

Various stressors of a student’s life like getting in a new school, exams, friendships etc. were discussed and the idea was not to tale a ‘flight’ but to ‘fight’ back. Importance of time management and maintaining a healthy lifestyle for a sound body and minds were discussed.

 Lastly, coping strategies like catharsis, sublimation, assertiveness, mindful meditation, yoga, developing a habit were discussed hoping to make a ‘HAPPY SCHOOL’.